Medium - A love letter to the Nikon F3

A fully equipped Nikon F3. This is my review of the legendary camera after using it for almost a decade. A love Letter to the Nikon F3. Read the article on Medium.

After nearly a decade of using the Nikon F3, I have developed a deep appreciation for this classic camera.

Its build quality is exceptional, with a sturdy and reliable design that withstands the test of time. The F3’s manual controls allow for precise adjustments, making it a joy to use for both experienced photographers and those looking to hone their skills.

But noboby is perfect and the Nikon F3 certainly isn't...

Dear Nikon F3,

I first laid my eyes on you as you were on the silver screen between the hands of Sean O’Connell*, a freelance photographer who was photographing snow leopards — portrayed by Sean Penn.

At first, you looked like any other film camera from the 1970s or 80s, with your fierce lines, sharp edges, and prominent prism. But something about you stood out, something that others failed to have. Maybe it was how you perfectly blended modern technology with mechanical toughness, or perhaps it was your unique Italian style that seemed to be straight out of the Ferrari Scuderia.

I couldn’t say for sure. All I know is that a month later, for my birthday, I had you shipped across the Pacific Ocean and Canada from Japan to Thunder Bay, Ontario. When I took you out of the box, you had a few scuffs here and there, but you held strong. Your viewfinder was clean, and your shutter was true.

Today, you’ve been alongside me for almost ten years. And I think we can be honest with each other. Nikon F3, you are far from perfect. Some days, you drive me so nuts that I’m thankful to have a digital camera with me to save the day. But there are also those days when it’s just the two of us, one frame at a time, in the moment, without the distraction of a display or autofocus motor. I guess some of it’s on me. I have to remember that you are more than 40 years old, right when camera makers started including more electronics. But I have to say, you handled the shift to the electronic era much better than some of your competitors.
— Robin



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Robin Ferand

French Photographer & Filmmaker living on Vancouver Island in British Columbia, Canada.

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